“Myself and Prabha are keen travelers and we have travelled extensively within the country and abroad. It was natural to record experiences and re-live the pleasure of travelling.

I never thought of writing travelogues. However there was a chorus from family members to write for their benefit and vicarious pleasure of virtually visiting places where we had gone.

We had known our Air Force friends, Group Captain Rajesh Jain and his wife Mridula Jain for quite some time while in service. Rajesh had often spoken of his interest in visiting places of tourist interest, specially foreign countries. We also thought it would be a wonderful idea to have some company of like-minded friends. I told him that we could go together if it is okay with them. On hearing about it, he jumped and said “Yes Sir, you decide where and when and leave the rest to me to make all ‘bandobast’.

Thus our journey to various countries commenced and we made six trips together.

Enjoy the Travelogues !

Srilanka Travelogue

Bhutan Travelogue

Uzbekistan Travelogue

Dubai and Abu Dhabi Travelogue

Andaman Travelogue

** LATEST ADDITION *** : Indonesia Travelogue

More…… (coming soon)